segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2007

Max Roach

The Max Roach Trio
Featuring The Legendary Hasaan [1964]

6 comentários:

Kafeina disse...

report broken links to

iasamim disse...

Grande disco, novamente...



Kafeina disse...

Valeu, Daniel! Fique de olho nas postagens, vou tentar subir pelo menos 2 discos por semana.

Anônimo disse...

kafeina, será que vc tem Max Roach + Sonny Clark + George Duvivier?
Deve ser muito bom..

giantrobot disse...

Too bad that this legend has passed on. His music still lives on....thanks to sites like these. thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anônimo disse...

Hi, I've been searching for this album from a long long time! The link is broken, since 2007 (!)... Can you repost that wonderful piece of music? I will be vry vry glad..